Friday, December 28, 2012

2012 Porter Flea Film

Had a great time at the Holiday Porter Flea in December 2012 — read more about the experience here. Below is some footage from the day (also featuring glimpses of work by Tim Cook and David Pound) — hope you dig it. I've really enjoyed putting together these recent videos with my talented buddy JR Ramsey. Expect to see more in the future!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

X-mas Under Da Ground 2012

So I headed up to the bi-annual X-mas Under Da Ground show Saturday night at minicine? to take in the’s a good article about the show from The Shreveport Catalyst. The evening consisted of local short films (experimental and otherwise), cool music, and a ton of local artists showcasing their work (there maaaay have been a couple of TOOMASOOBA pieces on display now that I think about it) — all on Texas Avenue in downtown Shreveport.

Late 2010 is when I began to get involved with the local art scene — seeing the awesome craziness and energy that everyone brought on Saturday night really made me thankful to be a part of the creative community in my hometown. The people I’ve met, events I’ve been a part of, and the growth I’ve seen happen in just a short time has been inspiring. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Rock on, Shreveport, and thanks to the fine folks who made it all happen this weekend!

Pretty cool.
Sold a TOOMASOOBA print at the show...Hector found a new home!
My friend Tony Reans posing in front of his work. See more here.
Art, and folks having a good time.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Holiday Porter Flea 2012

It was great to be back in Nashville last weekend for the Holiday Porter Flea! I was chosen to participate again after joining in last June...and just like my previous experience, it was a FANTASTIC time. There were crazy lines wrapping the building (no kidding), thousands of attendees and TOOMASOOBA stuff was selling like hotcakes!

I can't thank the show organizers, art pals (new & old) and especially the super-supportive customers enough  having an opportunity to get my art out in front of folks and elicit a response is truly an awesome experience and keeps me motivated to create, create, create. Also, my super-friends Dave and Barb were a tremendous help throughout the day  I couldn't have done it without 'em.

Take a look at the pics below, and keep an eye out in the next couple of weeks for a video chronicling experiences of the day...Merry Christmas!

Close-up of some socks and puzzle action!
Talking shop with my Tennessee art-bro David Pound. Check out his amazing
sculpture work and character design here!
TOOMASOOBA prints just waiting for a good home.
The Porter Flea official vendor mug. They do it up right!