Wednesday, August 8, 2012

STRIP: The Dallas Webcomics Expo

Me and my good friend Brad Campbell headed over to Texas last weekend to split a table at STRIP: The Dallas Webcomics Expo. This was my first comic-type event to attend as an exhibiting artist and, all in all, we had a great time! Got to hang out with some cool folks and talk shop with fellow creators including Hector Cantu (writer of the nationally-syndicated comic strip Baldo), Jason Poland (Robbie & Bobby), David Wilborn (Urban Jungle), Michael Hawkins (The Amaizing Jim Corn), and more.

Oh, and the best part of the trip? I didn't bring any shirts or big table displays, so I was able to fit all of my merch into one box (instead of the full carload of stuff that usually accompanies me on these outings). You don't know how good that felt. Below are some pics from the day!

Our badges...that's right, we're official.
"Buy my book!"
My half of the table (dramatic angle).
Brad was selling his Roofus U books along with some sweet prints he designed.
A Marvel/Peanuts mash-up book Brad put together...turned out really great.
Now cross your fingers that "the man" doesn't sue him!