Monday, July 30, 2012

TC12: Week Five

I actually started the below illustration last summer, but never quite got it right. But as I was going through old files recently, I decided to dust the cobwebs off and take another stab at it. I was pleased with the results.

Sometimes designs fly right out of my head (or sketchbook) and on to the screen, but often it takes a bit of kicking around to get things just right. And sometimes (like you'll see soon with an updated "Tinker" illo), I end up tweaking an older design to make it "pop" just a bit more. All part of the process. a good name for this character? Email your ideas to me and I'll pick a favorite. Winners will receive a print of the design along with a few other cool items...congrats to Brad from Louisiana for naming Week Four's illustration — Munson is his name!

Monday, July 23, 2012

TC12: Week Four

I've had kind of a rough week, so I thought I'd go with a melancholy vibe this time around. Melancholy but still cute, of course. Most of my characters are usually happy-shiny little things, so it doesn't hurt to add some different emotions to the line-up. And on a side note, I really like those stripes he's sporting.

What should this dude's name be? Email your ideas to me and I'll pick a favorite. Winners will receive a print of the design along with a few other cool items...congrats to JR from Louisiana for naming Week Three's illustration — Claymore it is!

Below is a look at the original sketchy inspiration for this one...will he one day get a lady tiger koala creature by his side? Anything is possible, stay tuned to find out.

Monday, July 16, 2012

TC12: Week Three

If you haven't noticed yet, I kinda have a thing for drawing robots — I'll mix it up next week, I promise! At any rate, I think this guy turned out pretty good. I actually have a couple of full-body versions in the works, but decided to save those for shirts or prints or whatnot down the line. I know, I know, I'm such a tease.

Do you have a great name for this big ol' lug? Email your ideas to me and I'll pick a favorite. Winners will receive a print of the character along with a few other cool items...congrats to Rachel from Texas for naming Week Two's illustration — Cy is the new name of that little fella!

Here is a peek at any early sketch, along with the beginning stages of digital buildout — you can see I was WAAAAY off at the start, but ended up turning things around:

Monday, July 9, 2012

TC12: Week Two

Dang it, I've wanted to create a cyclops robot for quite awhile. So I did! The final design went through a number of variations, believe it or not  there's typically an extensive process of adding and subtracting elements of an illustration to find just the right balance (during which I drive myself bonkers). And more often than not, clean and bold wins out. Sometimes, simple just isn't as simple as it looks! But I'm pleased with the results and always enjoy the process.

Do you have the perfect name in mind this little dude? Email your ideas to me and I'll pick a favorite. Winners will receive a print of the character along with a few other cool items...congrats to Kelsi from Texas for naming Week One's illustration Kittsy is her name! 

Bonus time...below is a peek of an early sketch that led to the finished illustration:

Monday, July 2, 2012

TC12: Week One

So here we go...week one of TOOMACHALLENGE 2012 has arrived. The character below originated from a rough drawing I did while at a web workshop in Dallas last week. I tend to get my best sketching done in the margins of notepads, I must admit. She's a happy little cat-like gal and a pretty good start for TC12, I think!

Do you have the perfect name in mind this creature? If so, email your ideas to me and I'll pick my favorite. Winners will receive a print of the character along with a few other cool items in their mailbox. How can you pass up that offer?

As an added bonus, here's a peek at the original sketches that led to the final illustration you see above: